Software Engineering Techniques

As we discussed in the General Philosophy section, it is not enough to protect yourself against the known attacks. Since the cost of failure on a blockchain can be very high, you must also adapt the way you write software, to account for that risk.

The approach we advocate is to "prepare for failure". It is impossible to know in advance whether your code is secure. However, you can architect your contracts in a way that allows them to fail gracefully, and with minimal damage. This section presents a variety of techniques that will help you prepare for failure.

Note: There's always a risk when you add a new component to your system. A badly designed fail-safe could itself become a vulnerability - as can the interaction between a number of well designed fail-safes. Be thoughtful about each technique you use in your contracts, and consider carefully how they work together to create a robust system.

Upgrading Broken Contracts

Code will need to be changed if errors are discovered or if improvements need to be made. It is no good to discover a bug, but have no way to deal with it.

Designing an effective upgrade system for smart contracts is an area of active research, and we won't be able to cover all of the complications in this document. However, there are two basic approaches that are most commonly used. The simpler of the two is to have a registry contract that holds the address of the latest version of the contract. A more seamless approach for contract users is to have a contract that forwards calls and data onto the latest version of the contract.

Whatever the technique, it's important to have modularization and good separation between components, so that code changes do not break functionality, orphan data, or require substantial costs to port. In particular, it is usually beneficial to separate complex logic from your data storage, so that you do not have to recreate all of the data in order to change the functionality.

It's also critical to have a secure way for parties to decide to upgrade the code. Depending on your contract, code changes may need to be approved by a single trusted party, a group of members, or a vote of the full set of stakeholders. If this process can take some time, you will want to consider if there are other ways to react more quickly in case of an attack, such as an emergency stop or circuit-breaker.

Example 1: Use a registry contract to store latest version of a contract

In this example, the calls aren't forwarded, so users should fetch the current address each time before interacting with it.

contract SomeRegister {
    address backendContract;
    address[] previousBackends;
    address owner;

    function SomeRegister() {
        owner = msg.sender;

    modifier onlyOwner() {
        require(msg.sender == owner)

    function changeBackend(address newBackend) public
    returns (bool)
        if(newBackend != backendContract) {
            backendContract = newBackend;
            return true;

        return false;

There are two main disadvantages to this approach:

  1. Users must always look up the current address, and anyone who fails to do so risks using an old version of the contract
  2. You will need to think carefully about how to deal with the contract data when you replace the contract

The alternate approach is to have a contract forward calls and data to the latest version of the contract:

Example 2: Use a DELEGATECALL to forward data and calls

contract Relay {
    address public currentVersion;
    address public owner;

    modifier onlyOwner() {
        require(msg.sender == owner);

    function Relay(address initAddr) {
        currentVersion = initAddr;
        owner = msg.sender; // this owner may be another contract with multisig, not a single contract owner

    function changeContract(address newVersion) public
        currentVersion = newVersion;

    function() {

This approach avoids the previous problems but has problems of its own. You must be extremely careful with how you store data in this contract. If your new contract has a different storage layout than the first, your data may end up corrupted. Additionally, this simple version of the pattern cannot return values from functions, only forward them, which limits its applicability. (More complex implementations attempt to solve this with in-line assembly code and a registry of return sizes.)

Regardless of your approach, it is important to have some way to upgrade your contracts, or they will become unusable when the inevitable bugs are discovered in them.

Circuit Breakers (Pause contract functionality)

Circuit breakers stop execution if certain conditions are met, and can be useful when new errors are discovered. For example, most actions may be suspended in a contract if a bug is discovered, and the only action now active is a withdrawal. You can either give certain trusted parties the ability to trigger the circuit breaker or else have programmatic rules that automatically trigger the certain breaker when certain conditions are met.


bool private stopped = false;
address private owner;

modifier isAdmin() {
    require(msg.sender == owner);

function toggleContractActive() isAdmin public
    // You can add an additional modifier that restricts stopping a contract to be based on another action, such as a vote of users
    stopped = !stopped;

modifier stopInEmergency { if (!stopped) _; }
modifier onlyInEmergency { if (stopped) _; }

function deposit() stopInEmergency public
    // some code

function withdraw() onlyInEmergency public
    // some code

Speed Bumps (Delay contract actions)

Speed bumps slow down actions, so that if malicious actions occur, there is time to recover. For example, The DAO required 27 days between a successful request to split the DAO and the ability to do so. This ensured the funds were kept within the contract, increasing the likelihood of recovery. In the case of the DAO, there was no effective action that could be taken during the time given by the speed bump, but in combination with our other techniques, they can be quite effective.


struct RequestedWithdrawal {
    uint amount;
    uint time;

mapping (address => uint) private balances;
mapping (address => RequestedWithdrawal) private requestedWithdrawals;
uint constant withdrawalWaitPeriod = 28 days; // 4 weeks

function requestWithdrawal() public {
    if (balances[msg.sender] > 0) {
        uint amountToWithdraw = balances[msg.sender];
        balances[msg.sender] = 0; // for simplicity, we withdraw everything;
        // presumably, the deposit function prevents new deposits when withdrawals are in progress

        requestedWithdrawals[msg.sender] = RequestedWithdrawal({
            amount: amountToWithdraw,
            time: now

function withdraw() public {
    if(requestedWithdrawals[msg.sender].amount > 0 && now > requestedWithdrawals[msg.sender].time + withdrawalWaitPeriod) {
        uint amountToWithdraw = requestedWithdrawals[msg.sender].amount;
        requestedWithdrawals[msg.sender].amount = 0;


Rate Limiting

Rate limiting halts or requires approval for substantial changes. For example, a depositor may only be allowed to withdraw a certain amount or percentage of total deposits over a certain time period (e.g., max 100 ether over 1 day) - additional withdrawals in that time period may fail or require some sort of special approval. Or the rate limit could be at the contract level, with only a certain amount of tokens issued by the contract over a time period.


Contract Rollout

Contracts should have a substantial and prolonged testing period - before substantial money is put at risk.

At minimum, you should:

  • Have a full test suite with 100% test coverage (or close to it)
  • Deploy on your own testnet
  • Deploy on the public testnet with substantial testing and bug bounties
  • Exhaustive testing should allow various players to interact with the contract at volume
  • Deploy on the mainnet in beta, with limits to the amount at risk
Automatic Deprecation

During testing, you can force an automatic deprecation by preventing any actions, after a certain time period. For example, an alpha contract may work for several weeks and then automatically shut down all actions, except for the final withdrawal.

modifier isActive() {
    require(block.number <= SOME_BLOCK_NUMBER);

function deposit() public
isActive() {
    // some code

function withdraw() public {
    // some code
Restrict amount of Ether per user/contract

In the early stages, you can restrict the amount of Ether for any user (or for the entire contract) - reducing the risk.

Bug Bounty Programs

Some tips for running bounty programs:

  • Decide which currency bounties will be distributed in (BTC and/or ETH)
  • Decide on an estimated total budget for bounty rewards
  • From the budget, determine three tiers of rewards:
  • smallest reward you are willing to give out
  • highest reward that's usually awardable
  • an extra range to be awarded in case of very severe vulnerabilities
  • Determine who the bounty judges are (3 may be ideal typically)
  • Lead developer should probably be one of the bounty judges
  • When a bug report is received, the lead developer, with advice from judges, should evaluate the severity of the bug
  • Work at this stage should be in a private repo, and the issue filed on Github
  • If it's a bug that should be fixed, in the private repo, a developer should write a test case, which should fail and thus confirm the bug
  • Developer should implement the fix and ensure the test now passes; writing additional tests as needed
  • Show the bounty hunter the fix; merge the fix back to the public repo is one way
  • Determine if bounty hunter has any other feedback about the fix
  • Bounty judges determine the size of the reward, based on their evaluation of both the likelihood and impact of the bug.
  • Keep bounty participants informed throughout the process, and then strive to avoid delays in sending them their reward

For an example of the three tiers of rewards, see Ethereum's Bounty Program:

The value of rewards paid out will vary depending on severity of impact. Rewards for minor 'harmless' bugs start at 0.05 BTC. Major bugs, for example leading to consensus issues, will be rewarded up to 5 BTC. Much higher rewards are possible (up to 25 BTC) in case of very severe vulnerabilities.